Sunday, September 12, 2010

Liam lost a tooth

His third tooth, his first since last summer.

He seems to enjoy first grade.  Rather than asking to color at night, he asked to do math.

Location : 1153 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102,

Crispin in 2nd grade

Here you can see Crispin at the end of the line with 2nd graders.  As I have waited with Liam outside his first grade room, Crispin has drifted down to the playground,  where he has joined the 2nd grade in their morning jump rope games.  He even takes a 2nd grade partner when they jump together.

Crispin's kindergarten begins next week.

Location : Address not available

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lovely bowls

Granmaxine and Poppy Ray visited and helped Crispin and Liam paint cereal and soup bowls.

Location : Volunteer Park Rd, Seattle, WA 98112,

Liam the lizard

Dancing in a thrift store lizard suit.

Location : Volunteer Park Rd, Seattle, WA 98112,

Ready for kindergarten

Crispin is beyond excited to start kindergarten (in a Waldorf school, kindergartens are mixed age.  Crispin gets to spend 3 years with a beloved teacher).  Here he is with the mug he painted.   He will use it at snack time.  Among other things, Crispin looks forward to being on a walk with his class, seeing me, asking his teacher for permission (this is part of his story), and coming to say hello to me.

Location : Volunteer Park Rd, Seattle, WA 98112,

Liam's olive dish

Liam has been keen to contribute to life in the home.  On several occasions recently,  when given a choice between a toy and a real object that he can share with a parent,  Liam has opted for the adult, utilitarian object.

He chose to paint this for my new, theoretical house.   We will likely eat many an olive, almond, and grape tomato on this tray.

Location : Address not available