Friday, June 29, 2012

Kites and Frisbees and Bikes

Dust masks can inspire. After a box of 50 arrived from Amazon, the boys and I put them on and cleaned our rental garage out of detritus from ancient renters. We expunged and eliminated broken building supplies. After a trip to the dump in Coupeville, we treated ourselves to bowling at a small bowling alley there, followed by a trip to Fort Casey.

Crispin has had several kites, one which works quite well. Fort Casey provides a serendipitous spot for kite flying, and Crispin gloried in his independence with his kite. He was able to send it aloft by himself and let his long (300 foot?) kite string all the way out.

While he reveled in resistance and flow, Liam and I had fun with a frisbee catch. The wind kept the frisbee aloft for a long time (of course making it drift considerably), and we had lots of success running underneath it. It helped me really appreciate my Father's Day five finger shoes; they make my feet look like cat feet, but they are remarkably comfortable for standing and walking and playing sports with the boys. My body naturally knows to run on the balls of my feet.

No photo of Crispin could capture the beauty and joy of his kite flying. Here, instead, is a picture of a bicycle Crispin drew; it hangs at Kelly's house. Over the past 2 months, Crispin has shown rising interest in paper arts, coloring and cutting and taping and building. Like their grandmother, the boys have been making homemade fireworks for me to light. Like other artists, the boys might spend an hour or two working at their desks independently.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Rally cap

Eaten by a shark

At Point Defiance zoo.

Crispin enjoying bobbleheads

It is King Felix (Hernandez) bobblehead night and hence much more crowded.  Crispin seems to be relishing his interactions with his and my Felix more than other fans.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crispin pitching

More cast from the musical

Liam as Johnny Appleseed

His second grade play was a musical concerning the commencement of Johnny's travels west.  Liam sang a solo with a well in tune soprano.

Batting Practice

Liam has procured his first ball.

Crispin and Henry

His new puppy.

Light rail to Safeco

We are beginning a Father's Day baseball trip.  We are staying by the airport to have an excellent pool.  The light rail will take us right to the stadium.