I perhaps wrote this ten months ago, but it is striking to realize that I've been visiting Sebastian for more than half my life--and it has been perhaps the most visited place for my sons for their whole life. O, the strength of rhythm and routine and repetition! (sorry, a Wilfred Owen moment there brought an exclamation point into the prose).
Here are Liam and Crispin on a wooden boat climbing structure at a playground Liam has visited since he was a little less than 2. When Kelly, Liam, and I would stay with Great Grandpop and Great Grandma Edna, the grandparents would sleep in while Liam had us up at 6 (if that long). To avoid a hubbub, we started going to the playground pictured here every morning before the grandparents woke up. Liam was not yet walking, yet he enjoyed crawling and climbing the various structures. Mom and Dad did a lot of loving work to follow and spot him.
Over the years, Liam was walking and still needed to be spotted--then Crispin needed a spotter (there were some big drops on the play structures). Now there was less need for spotting, but Crispin bumped his head because he was taller than he expected--or the height of a crawl space in the pretend castle became lower.
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